ImageMaster® Cine - Testing and Adjustment of Cine Objective Lenses
High quality lenses for the photography and film industry must meet the highest demands in terms of image quality and be shown to deliver the best optical performance. MTF measuring has established itself as the most recognised measurement method for assessing the quality of the optical performance of a lens. With its ImageMaster® product range, TRIOPTICS is the market leader in MTF measuring equipment.
The ImageMaster® Cine has been developed specially for testing and alignment in production, development and for maintenance in the cinema lenses rental business. It is the preferred solution for MTF-Testing and lens adjustment in production and service of objective lenses with wide EFL range.
The complete portfolio of the ImageMaster® Cine Line includes solutions for a quick MTF-performance check and alignment of optical elements of cine objective lenses. Producers of such lenses use the ImageMaster® Cine for quality control or final adjustment in production. Rental companies especially benefit from conducting receiving inspections of the cine objective lenses after their return. The different customer requirements are covered by selecting the best fitting product from the ImageMaster® Cine line.